Basic Networking Question & Answers

Today I Told Networking Question & Answers

How will enable CD burning service in 2003?

By default this service remain disable to enable this service
Start ==> administrative tools ==> service ==> IMAPI CD burning com service ==> start up type ==> automatic

What is FQDN?

An FQDN contains (fully qualified domain name) both the hostname and a domain name. It uniquely identifies a host within a DNS hierarchy

What is DHCP scope?

A scope is a range, or pool, of IP addresses that can be leased to DHCP clients on a given subnet.

What is the DNS forwarder?

DNS servers often must communicate with DNS servers outside of the local network. A forwarder is an entry that is used when a DNS server receives DNS queries that it cannot resolve locally. It then forwards those requests to external DNS servers for resolution.

Which command will you use to find out the name of the pc in networks?

[Ip of target computer]

What are the differences between static ip addressing and dynamic ip addressing?

With static IP addressing, a computer (or other device) is configured to always use the same IP address. With dynamic addressing, the IP address can change periodically and is managed by a centralized network service

What is public IP address?

A public IP address is an address leased from an ISP that allows or enables direct Internet communication

What's the benefit of subnetting?

Reduce the size of the routing tables.
Reduce network traffic. Broadcast traffic can be isolated within a single logical network.
Provide a way to secure network traffic by isolating it from the rest of the network.

What is private IP?

Three ranges of IP addresses have been reserved for private address and they are not valid for use on the Internet. If you want to access internet with these address you must have to use proxy server or NAT server (on normal cases the role of proxy server is played by your ISP.).If you do decide to implement a private IP address range, you can use IP addresses from any of the following classes:
Class A
Class B
Class C

What is IP?

It's a unique 32 bits software address of a node in a network.

How will you make partition after installing windows?

My computer ==> right click ==> manage ==> disk management ==>
select free space ==> right click ==> New partition

What is a gateway or Router?
A node that is connected to two or more networks is commonly called as router or Gateway. It generally forwards message from one network to another.

What is a node?
A network can consist of two or more computers directly connected by some physical medium such as coaxial cable or optical fiber. Such a physical medium is called as Links and the 

 What is Multiple Access?
If the physical links are shared by more than two nodes, it is said to be Multiple Access.

Define Network?
A network is a set of devices connected by physical media links. A network is recursively is a connection of two or more nodes by a physical link or two or more networks connected by one or more nodes.

What is Protocol?
A protocol is a set of rules that govern all aspects of information communication.

What are the key elements of protocols?The key elements of protocols are
a. Syntax
   It refers to the structure or format of the data, that is the order in which they are presented.
b. Semantics
   It refers to the meaning of each section of bits.
c. Timing
   Timing refers to two characteristics: When data should be sent and how fast

What are the key design issues of a computer Network?a. Connectivity
b. Cost-effective Resource Sharing
c. Support for common Services
d. Performance
 What is FDM?
FDM is an analog technique that can be applied when the bandwidth of a link is greater than the combined bandwidths of the signals to be transmitted.

 List the layers of OSIa. Physical Layer
b. Data Link Layer
c. Network Layer
d. Transport Layer
e. Session Layer
f. Presentation Layer
g. Application Layer

Which layers of OSI are referred to as network support layers?

The following 3 layers of OSI are referred to as network support layers:
a. Physical Layer
b. Data link Layer and
c. Network Layers


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