
Showing posts from June, 2016

Configure email clients and mobile devices for email hosted on Exchange

we are configure mail on computer easy but we not configuration on mobile ,i tell you easy step by step Let see 1.Open mobile click on mail i-con like on image 2. click Add mail id just like image and add your mail like , and fill Password  just like image and click on Sing in and fill your mail detail like image Note :- Fill Server detail Non SSl Smtp :- Port:-  25 POP3 Port:- 110 and SSL ( for use) this server NOTE :- For SSL Smtp Server :- Port-        465 POP3 Server:- Port -                995 and Save it , your mail id configuration on your Mobile

How to Backup I-Phone

Backup iPhone iPhone back up ,we are know mostly use android phone .and we can easily backup android phone but some guy not know how backup iPhone. So we give you step 2 step iPhone backup, Obviously some of these steps are going to be unnecessary for certain users, so just skip the steps that do not apply to you.  You will know which do or do not apply. Install Apple iTunes onto your computer. . Create an Apple ID. . Open Apple iTunes software on your computer or laptop, and sign in with your Apple ID. . Power On your iPhone device and connect to your computer running iTunes using the appropriate Apple Cord. . Locate your device Icon in iTunes on the left menu and click on it. PC Users Press (CTRL + S), Mac Users (CTRL + RIGHT CLICK) to toggle the side bar. . You should now see information about your iPhone and a Backups box right beneath it. apple-phoneinfoapple-backup Choose how you want to back up your data.  You have two options. ...


ERP provides an integrated view of core business processes, often in real-time, using common   databases   maintained by a   database management system. ERP systems track business resources—cash,   raw materials,   production capacity—and the status of business commitments: orders,   purchase orders, and   payroll. The applications that make up the system share data across various departments (manufacturing, purchasing, sales,   accounting, etc.) that provide the data. []   ERP facilitates information flow between all business functions, and manages connections to outside   stakeholders. Enterprise system software is a multibillion-dollar industry that produces components that support a variety of business functions. IT investments have become the largest category of capital expenditure in United States-based businesses over the past decade. Though early ERP systems focused on large enterprises, smaller enterprises increasingly ...